News, info and tips for living with multiple sclerosis

Dr. Amazon Wants You as a Patient

Doctor Amazon in your cart

Are you ready to buy your healthcare services from the same place you can buy almost everything else under the sun? Amazon hopes you are. Last month, the giant of online sales announced plans to acquire One Medical, a company that operates more than 125 medical offices across the U.S. and offers 24/7 telemedicine service in exchange for a yearly membership fee. One Medical’s vision is to “delight millions of…Continue Reading

Are You Ready for Doctor Amazon?

Dr. Amazon

Would you sign up for healthcare from the place where you buy books, bluejeans, and bagels? Amazon thinks you might, and the company is moving closer to becoming the doctor in your house, according to a report last month by Insider. Amazon has been dabbling in the healthcare business for a few years. In January 2018, it joined JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway in launching a program called Haven, which…Continue Reading

Coronavirus Means Virtual Visits for Neuros and Patients

virtual visits

Dr. Aaron Boster assessed the gait of his multiple sclerosis patient, who walked forward and back. Earlier, he had checked the patient’s seventh cranial nerve by having him close his eyes tightly and smile. Then, Boster checked the ninth, 10th, and 12th cranial nerves by having him stick out his tongue and wiggle it back and forth. A motor exam followed, which included flopping the hands palm-up and palm-down, and…Continue Reading