News, info and tips for living with multiple sclerosis

MS Awareness Month book special!

MS Awareness Month book special!

March is MS Awareness Month…what better time for me to drop the price of the paperback version of my book, “The Multiple Sclerosis Toolbox,” to just the cost of printing and shipping.

The Multiple Sclerosis Toolbox” combines my experiences living with MS for four decades with detailed information about treatments, tests, diagnostic criteria, mobility aids, travel, talking with your neurologist, and more. It’s designed for folks who are newly diagnosed but the information is useful to everyone to lives with MS…stuff your neuro may not have the time to tell you.

“People newly diagnosed with MS will truly benefit from this book, while those of us who’ve lived with MS for a while will wish we’d had it ourselves!…Neurologists should consider keeping a copy of this book in their waiting room because their patients are going to need it.” – Tamara K. Sellman, reviewing for Multiple

If you read the book, and think it’s useful, I hope you’ll leave your own brief review.

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