News, info and tips for living with multiple sclerosis

Are You OK Being Treated by Dr. Google?

Dr. Google

Paging Dr. Google. OK, maybe I’m being overly dramatic, but The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Google and HCA Healthcare have struck a deal to share data and create healthcare algorithms. HCA plans to use the data system to improve operating efficiency, monitor patients, and even guide some decisions by doctors. So, the concept of a “Dr. Google” isn’t far-fetched. HCA Healthcare has clinics at 2,000 locations in 21…Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence Moves into the Exam Room

Google has quietly teamed up with Ascension, one of the largest healthcare organizations in the United States, to process the medical records of millions of people. As first reported in The Wall Street Journal, “Project Nightingale” involves all sorts of information about things like lab results,  diagnoses, and hospitalization records, and includes patients’ names and birth dates. Ascension runs more than 2,600 hospitals, doctors’ offices, and other healthcare facilities in…Continue Reading