News, info and tips for living with multiple sclerosis

A Pain in the Back Sends me Back to the Pool

back pain

In the past couple years, I’ve developed pain in a few areas of my body, especially my butt and back. Last winter, I tried physical therapy, but relief lasted only a short while. So, I think I’ll head back to the swimming pool to try some do-it-yourself aquatic therapy. In the pool I’ve been prompted to do this by a study recently published in JAMA reporting that for people with…Continue Reading

Water Exercise for My MS

Swimming exercise for MS

After a period of temperatures of 95 degrees or more making it too hot to swim, early August has been comfortable enough for me to get back into my water exercise routine. The water temperature has been close to perfect and cool enough to keep me refreshed, though sometimes cooler than most people like. I’ve just finished two of the best workout I’ve had this season: 30 lengths swimming punctuated…Continue Reading