News, info and tips for living with multiple sclerosis

MS and Dental Fillings – A New FDA Recommendation

amalgam dental fillings

For years, some people have warned of a possible connection between multiple sclerosis and the amalgam dental fillings many of us have (or had) in our teeth. The concern has been that these fillings contain mercury, which can be toxic, especially if those fillings are removed. In large part, these concerns have been poo-pooed. I’ve been one of the naysayers, along with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, whose dental booklet…Continue Reading

My Month of MS Moving Madness

Moving Means MS stress

We’ve been moving and I’ve been stressed. That’s redundant, I know. Moving is stress on wheels — which isn’t good for someone with MS. Studies have shown a link between stressful life events and MS exacerbations, known as flares. Researchers, if you’re reading this, you should have been watching me. I’ve been a symphony of stress! My wife, Laura, and I have been moving from a two-bedroom-plus-den condo to a…Continue Reading

Flu Shots – More Important Now Than Ever

Flu shot

Labor Day has come and gone here in the U.S. Now, flu season has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. This isn’t the novel coronavirus we’ve been fighting all year. It’s the regular seasonal flu virus that’s knocking on our door again. Each year, some people with multiple sclerosis wonder if they should get a flu shot. My wife and I have been getting one for as long as I can…Continue Reading

“Crip Camp” Brings me Face to Face With Disability

Crip Camp

In early July, I wrote a blog post about Disability Pride Month. It’s not for me, I said. I questioned the word “pride” and asked whether we need a special month to advocate for a more inclusive world. Several people commented on that column — some supported my thoughts, while others were critical of what I wrote. A woman named Danielle wrote a particularly strong comment ending with: “I think…Continue Reading

Disability Pride Month? Not for Me

Disability pride month

July is Disability Pride Month. Now, don’t flame me right away for writing this, but I don’t think we need a month highlighting disability pride — just like I don’t think people with MS need a month in October spotlighting rare diseases. MS is invisible but, with more than 2.3 million people carrying that diagnosis, it’s not rare. Disability Pride Month seems to have started as Disability Pride Day, which…Continue Reading

Really tired? Most People With MS Are

really tired

Are you tired? Really tired? Me, too. Most of us with multiple sclerosis are. How many really tired people is most? A small new study of 44 people with one of the progressive forms of MS found the answer is a little over 86%. (I’m surprised the number isn’t higher.) Those people described their fatigue as “tired,” “exhausted,” “wiped out” and having “little or no energy.” Half of patients reported…Continue Reading

Is This an MS Flare I’m Having?

having an MS flare?

Sitting down to write this, it’s hard for me to concentrate. I’d planned to write about some new MS mobile apps, but I can’t get my brain to focus on the task. I’ve been bragging about how I’ve been feeling sharper and better able to concentrate over the past several months, but not today. Distractions are more distracting than usual. For two days, my legs have felt weaker than usual…Continue Reading