News, info and tips for living with multiple sclerosis

Medical Marijuana for MS Pain – Yes or No?

Medical marijuana symbol

Will your doctor approve a medical marijuana (MMJ) card for you? Two of mine will and one won’t. The doctor who won’t, a primary care physician who works within a medical group, told me it’s the group’s policy. The problem, she explained, is that there are no guidelines. How do you know what to prescribe if you can’t determine the marijuana’s potency or understand how the balance between THC and…Continue Reading

Use Caution When Using Cannabis for MS.

cannabis for ms

People with MS who are using cannabis take heed. A research letter published in May in JAMA Network Open reports that calls to poison control centers about people using cannabis products have been increasing over the past several years. Public health officials are concerned. According to the letter, written by various health experts in the U.S., one problem is that a growing number of retail sales involve manufactured cannabis products…Continue Reading

Satisfied With Sativex in Belgium


Could a cannabis spray be just what the doctor ordered to treat our MS symptoms? I’m talking about Sativex (nabiximols), which has been developed as a treatment for moderate and severe MS spasticity. Sativex combines THC, the chef intoxicant in marijuana, with CBD, marijuana’s nonpsychoactive component. It’s sprayed under the tongue or inside the cheek several times a day. The treatment has been approved in several countries, including the U.K.…Continue Reading

CBD Oil: Will it Help My MS?

CBD oil

The other night in bed my calf muscles started cramping. Again. Usually, it’s just my left leg, but that night it was both. The pain wouldn’t ease with my usual stretching routine so I reached for my little bottle of cannabidiol (CBD) oil. I’ve been experimenting with CBD oil on and off for a few months. I rub it into my left calf muscle before bed and on many nights…Continue Reading

What You Should Know About Medical Marijuana and Owning a Gun

I’ve written before about medical marijuana (MMJ) and its use by those of us with MS. I’ve also written about how MS can affect a gun owner. This column is about MMJ, guns and the federal government. Thirty-one states, plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam have legalized the use of marijuana for medical use. From everything I’ve read, written by people with MS and healthcare professionals, medical marijuana can help alleviate…Continue Reading