News, info and tips for living with multiple sclerosis

MS Marathoner: 1 Continent Down, 6 to Go

Cheryl Hile running a marathon as a workout.

Cheryl Hile runs a marathon in South Africa. Pic courtesy C. Hile

(This is an update of my column posted last week on Tripping, falling and bloody knees. Been there. Done that. (Who with MS hasn’t)?  But this wasn’t me.  This was Cheryl Hile and it was happening to her as she was running a half marathon in Carlsbad, California. Cheryl had been running marathons for half a dozen years when, in 2006, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  She says…Continue Reading

A 9/11 Re-visit

Ladder 3

Today, on the 15th anniversary of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, I’m re-posting a story that I posted a few months ago. It’s about a trip that I made to visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York City last Spring…a trip that will resonate with anyone who makes it.  And I encourage everyone to make it. ** I grew up in Lower Manhattan. Though I’ve lived…Continue Reading

Can you measure how tired I am?

[This post first appeared last month in my column on] Feeling tired? No surprise there. Fatigue is as much a part of living with Multiple Sclerosis as sand is a part of the beach where I live. It’s interesting, then, that neurologists seem to have no good system for measuring levels of MS fatigue or any treatments that are really effective over the long term. Physiologists at Colorado State University…Continue Reading

Volunteers wanted for MS diet study

People with MS often wonder if their MS is affected by what they eat.  Articles about the reported benefits of various diets appear regularly. Now, researchers at the University of Iowa are going to study two of the most well know MS diets to see what impact they have on MS symptoms, specifically on the level of a patient’s MS-related fatigue. Both MS Diets Eliminate Meat The diets to be…Continue Reading

Copaxon MS drug approved for tri-weekly use in Canada

It’s no fun jabbing yourself once-a-day if you’re using the multiple sclerosis drug Copaxone.  I, eventually, hit a brick wall self-injecting when I was using Avonex and that was just sticking myself once-a-week. But now Teva Pharmaceutical has what should be good news for Canadians using Copaxone.  Health Canada has approved a three-times-a-week version of the drug. Three-times-a-week Copaxome 40 mg/mL is expected to become available to patients there, by…Continue Reading

Don’t let multiple sclerosis ground you

(This post appeared as my regular column on Flight is freedom in its purest form, To dance with the clouds which follow a storm; To roll and glide, to wheel and spin, To feel the joy that swells within; To leave the earth with its troubles and fly, And know the warmth of a clear spring sky — Gary Claud Stokor I’ve been there.  I’ve done that.  I’ve climbed…Continue Reading

“Shame on you for parking there!”

[This is an updated version of a post that first appeared in my weekly column on]   Do you remember when you first applied for a handicapped license plate? I put it off for quite a while after I was diagnosed.  After all, I could easily walk several city blocks.  I could still play tennis.  Why did I need to park in a handicapped place?  But, there were days…Continue Reading

Exercise for MS – I’m starting a 14 week plan

I’m about to start a new adventure:  Exercise. Well, it’s not really new. I swim some laps most days in the summer, weather permitting.  In the cooler months I do some upper body strength exercises a couple of days a week, my spirit permitting.  But, in all the years that I’ve had Multiple Sclerosis I’ve never really had a structured exercise program.  Today I’m investigating a way to start down…Continue Reading

Tecfidera TV ad gets yanked

Have you seen the TV ad for Tecfidera?  The one that shows a woman being able to do all sorts of active things because she’s on the drug, which has reduced the frequency of her Multiple Sclerosis exacerbations? I was surprised when I saw it on my screen one day.  Frankly, I didn’t think there was enough of an audience of potential Tecfidera users to justify the cost of this…Continue Reading

MS drug maker getting new top guy


If you have Multiple Sclerosis the chances are good that you’ve used, or will use, a drug made by Biogen.  The biophamaceutical company makes Avonex, Tysabri, Tecfidera, Fampya, Plegridy and Zinbryta to treat MS.  I’ve used two of them myself and participated in the double-blind study for Avonex, way back when. Now, Biogen’s Chief Executive Officer, George Scangos, has announced that he’s leaving.  What will that mean to those of…Continue Reading