News, info and tips for living with multiple sclerosis

Can You Give Me a Lift to The Doctor?

Driving to the doctor

Is getting from home to the doctor a pain in the butt for you? Do you have to search for someone to take you? Do you haul yourself into your car and hope that you can find a nearby parking spot? Is public transportation impossible to find where you live? It’s such a hassle that as many as 30 percent of patients may be skipping their medical appointments due to…Continue Reading

Are Patient Assistance Programs Threatened by Government Probe?

Many of us have received help to pay for our MS medications. Now it’s possible that patient assistance programs, including copay help, could be threatened. A recent article in the The Wall Street Journal reports that U.S. government prosecutors are looking into whether some pharmaceutical companies’ patient assistance programs are on the wrong side of the law. These include direct copay assistance, donations to foundations that help patients pay for…Continue Reading

Serious Medications Need Serious Care Coordination

Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) is a serious disease-modifying therapy. It has the potential to deliver a major blow to a patient’s multiple sclerosis, but it also carries the possibility of severe side effects. The protocol for Ocrevus requires different doses on different infusion dates, following a specific treatment schedule. It’s also very expensive. This all shouts for the need for serious care coordination! Jamie’s care coordination problems I was concerned when Jamie, who…Continue Reading

A Dating App for People with Chronic Illness

Lemonade logo

Does your illness limit your ability to find a date? (Courtesy of Lemonayde) Dating isn’t a concern of mine, since I turned 70 earlier this month and have been happily married for 42 years. But, on the MS social media sites that I follow, younger, single folks regularly post concerns about starting relationships. Now there’s a dating app that might help make that social connection easier. It’s called Lemonayde. The dating…Continue Reading

Man or Woman Doctor? Which is Better?

The neurologist who treats my MS is a woman. So is my primary care physician. I wouldn’t have it any other way, and an article in The New York Times makes me feel my decision is the right one. Patient studies tell the tale The Times article points to a recent study of more than half a million patients admitted to emergency rooms for heart problems over a two-decade period…Continue Reading

Two Short Movies Take Different Approaches to Portraying MS

I’ve recently come across two short movies that are designed to show what it’s like living with MS. But they have two very different approaches. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society in the U.S produced one of the movies. It runs about 3 minutes, features several people who live with our disease, and appears to be designed as a fundraising tool for the society. The other film was produced by a…Continue Reading

Why Don’t We Comparison Shop for Our Healthcare?

If you’re going to buy a car do you limit your shopping to just one car dealer? If you need gas do you drive past three inexpensive service stations because someone told you to fill up at a fourth, where the price is much higher? I don’t think so. But that’s, apparently, what a lot of us do when we need to “buy” healthcare services. I know that I do…Continue Reading

What I’ve Learned About Falling After 37 Years With MS

Leaving a restaurant the other evening, I was stepping off an unusually high curb. Right cane down, left cane down, swing the right leg, swing the left leg, and … uh-oh. Down I go. I’d been asking for it. I’d needed to change the electrodes on the Bioness L300 that I use to assist my MS left foot drop and the unit wasn’t working well. My left toe snagged and…Continue Reading